What a wonderful day! It started with Tim waking me up as he was leaving for his "guide trip of the day".....so I got ready too....and he loaded my bike in his truck and dropped me and the bike at South Beach....where I proceeded to join some of the Lykins-crew for sunrise at Round Island! Then I rode back to town, had coffee and a bagel w/ Nana at Panera----NICE!!! By that time, Shanna was waking up...so I got a sandwich-buffet for us to share w/ Dad-Tim at home for lunch! then---naptime!!! Best of all.....we TKS-Wards hooked up w/ the Welchels and took Poppi and Grandma for dinner out to the Cracker Trail Restaurant in Kenansville and on the way back home, took a tour of Peevine Trail!! quite a day and LOVED EVERY MINUTE OF IT!!!!!
Where are the pictures of T&G's (Tim and Grady)fishing adventures? Fort Drum was fun; Morgan wants to go again!