what a beautiful day Sunday was-----I left the driveway about 5:40am.....a little later than I should have....but still----o.k.! an ever so slight breeze...birds starting to awaken and chirp....a very few cars moving around.....and DoughBoys lights were on and smellin' up the neighborhood already! yes---a beautiful morning! from the house, I made my way up to the 17th Street bridge and around the bridge-loop two times.....then uptown and back home along the railroad tracks!!!
we're getting close to June 19th......thank you all for your support.......amazing you are!!! I have a new tshirt for this weekend's 20mile'r! I'll have to take a pic and show you!!!! xoxoxoxoxo
Hi Kelly - I was thinking about you Saturday AM....Thought I might have been sharing the same road with you at some point during our runs...But I am sure you were cookin' along much faster then I was! Love the learning tip! Coaches are there for a reason - You obviously had something you learned from him recently that was out of the ordinary. WOW! Can't believe the 19th is 3 1/2 weeks away....Oh how I wish I was a fly hanging on you during that run! Maybe we should strap a special camera on you like they do with wildlife and watch your amazing journey! Love to live vicariously through you - You are just the best! Jennifer