what a beautimous day! hitched a ride w/ Tim out to FD#3 about 7am'ish and took off from there.....around Aviation BLVD (many planes taking off and landing!) around and thru the country club, over Barber and 17th Street Bridges, and home along IR BLVD.....nice!!!! avg'd just over 12minute miles----not bad....not grand, but not bad for this ole'lady! and much time to think about my family and friends and all my special folks who are running along w/ me every day by way of my t-shirt---and I must say, I'm feeling very grateful for so very many things!!!! And last nite at our Cancer Society Spaghetti Dinner (way to go WachoviaWellsFargo StarChasers---awesome job--- u all rock!), I found a new friend (thanks to Dan Long!)----little Vincent....he's a survivor and is now going w/ me too on my VTNT events!!!!! So now I've had a nice run, a wonderful chat with Ky to catch up on our worlds, getting ready to have some lunch w/ Shan before she heads to Fliegal's baby shower, and and and..........this afternoon, Nathan and Roger and mabye R2 too and I are gonna go see the dinosaurs at McKee Gardens!!!! cannot wait!!!!!
what a day already - happy Sunday everyone!
p.s.----more exciting news.......another good friend made a significant contribution to Leukemia & Lymphoma Society recently and has pushed our VTNT fund-raising OVER goal!!!!! Many thanks PATTI....your contribution and your encouragement is greatly appreciated and tell your brother he too is with me every day!!!!!!
what a speed demon, the map is very kool, keep up the good work, daddy